Lillie Novak is a graduate of both Our Lady of the Valley and John Carroll Catholic schools in Birmingham. Upon graduation of John Carroll in 2011, she attended the University of Alabama. There she received a B.S. in psychology in 2015, and a M.A. in elementary education in 2017. While in college, Mrs. Novak worked full time at a local restaurant and also worked as a graduate assistant for two professors. During her elementary education masters program, she completed over 1000 hours of student teaching in Tuscaloosa schools. With that experience, the research gained through the coursework, and your prayers, Mrs. Novak has no doubt that she and her students will have a wonderful year in 3rd grade full of learning, joy and Christ!
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Tyler, family, friends and her 3 pets. She has two dogs named Teddy and Millie, and one cat named Gus. She loves to travel, especially to Alabama football games! She also attends St. Francis Xavier Parish here in Birmingham. Her newest joy is her little girl, Emma Kate, born in the Spring of 2020.